In creating content for websites big and small, I’ve always believed that the personality of the company needs to shine through. My years as a journalist, and as a playwright, has enabled me to capture a business’s personality and put it on the screen.
A great example is the work I did for the website of a St. Louis photographer, Nancy Stevens. She could have just copied and pasted generic “marketing/I’m great!” samples from others, but she knew it would be to her advantage to not just market her skills, but herself too. She knew she wanted prospective clients to get to know the type of person she is.
My approach to content projects like this is to interview the owner/head of the company as if I’m going to write a long article on them. In this case, I asked her what her background was, why she loves her work, and what she makes her good (among many other questions).
In addition to carefully gathering facts, I listened. Her mannerism, the way she described things, her voice. Then I was able to craft compelling copy that told her story in her way. Looking through her pages, you really get a sense of who she is in addition to how talented she is. I instantly felt that Nancy was someone that people would enjoy working with, and that is what was needed to come across through the language of her site.
When creating content for businesses, I know that while the customer is looking for value, he or she also wants that personal relationship. I believe that the best part of us is the aspect that make us unique, human. At the end of the day, we all want positive interactions with other good people.
And I love making that happen for any business — big or small and everything in between.
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